

Easy Instant Booking. Book a cleaning or other service in seconds. ; Digital To-Do Lists. Add photos, priorities, and instructions to get things done right.

在App Store 上的「TIDY

TIDY is a better way to keep your home clean, and it just got even easier with our new TIDY mobile app! At TIDY, each Homekeeper uses a smartphone to follow ...

在App Store 上的「TIDY for Pros」

需要iOS 13.0 或以上版本。 iPad: 需要iPadOS 13.0 或以上版本。 iPod touch: 需要iOS 13.0 或以上版本。 Mac: 需要macOS 11.0 ...

TIDY Text-to-Image Discovery | F-Droid

Search for images in your Gallery by text description and other visually similar images. TIDY works entirely offline, ensuring your privacy and security.

slavabarkovtidy: Offline semantic Text-to-Image and Image ...

Offline semantic Text-to-Image and Image-to-Image search on your Android phone! Powered by quantized state-of-the-art large-scale vision-language pretrained ...

TIDY - Cleaning & Maintenance

評分 3.1 (120) · 免費 · Android · 透過軟體、人工智慧和人類的結合,TIDY 幫助各種規模的物業經理在任何地方改善和自動化清潔和維護。無論您有團隊還是需要團隊,我們都可以提供協助。

TIDY for Pros

評分 3.1 (151) · 免費 · Android TIDY For Pros可幫助您按自己的條件賺更多的錢。 您選擇願意支付的費率(通常最高為$ 38 / hr),服務地點,所需的時間表,然後讓我們為您提供其他服務。


Selected Tidy events live streamed. Listen to pre-release singles. Video interviews. Free ticket to a yearly meet & greet event at The Tidy HQ. Early access to ...


TIDY offers amazing software and great people to make cleaning and maintenance easy. 1000s of property managers, homeowners, & service pros use TIDY. TIDY · For Your Home · Pros Cleaners & service pros · Locations


Nice and fun way to clean your gallery. Despite some grammar issues (show you adds? Hello?), fun app Simple and easy to use.


EasyInstantBooking.Bookacleaningorotherserviceinseconds.;DigitalTo-DoLists.Addphotos,priorities,andinstructionstogetthingsdoneright.,TIDYisabetterwaytokeepyourhomeclean,anditjustgoteveneasierwithournewTIDYmobileapp!AtTIDY,eachHomekeeperusesasmartphonetofollow ...,需要iOS13.0或以上版本。iPad:需要iPadOS13.0或以上版本。iPodtouch:需要iOS13.0或以上版本。Mac:需要macOS11.0 ...,SearchforimagesinyourGa...

PhotoSift 1.11 圖片快速分類整理工具

PhotoSift 1.11 圖片快速分類整理工具
